What’s Your Situation?

You want the mental-emotional pain to stop, and fast. You need an intensive program with a high degree of personal attention to help you breakthrough, once and for all. The Mind Mastery program is for you. You may call Cindy to talk about your situation 613-435-5379.

Cindy Teevens, Alchemy Facilitator

I find you one of the few upcoming writers in this genre whose work rings true for me—whose head and heart are aligned.
~ Dan Millman, Bestselling Author, Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Alchemy – A true story and powerful practice for inner transformation.

Alchemy is a true story, a book, and a powerful practice that is altering, and even saving, people’s lives. Author Cindy Teevens is one of the leading inner peace and happiness facilitators, exceptional and unique in helping people shift their state and permanently transform their lives, from the inside out. Six years after the violent suicide of her father, in one moment her own intense suffering was swapped for amazing joy, altering her life permanently. Happiness and peace became her predominant states. Laughter exploded at the simplicity and power of it, and tears of gratitude flowed.

Understandings began to come about how we have been living backwards, how we have mistaken the outside for the inside, and how we have tethered ourselves to the uncontrollable winds of change in the midst of freedom—and how we can return to truth, sanity, and peace.

About nine months after discovering joy, one day in the woods she was knocked to her knees by an explosion of love that was followed by the end of time and space, self and other, and when she looked up at the trees, she saw them as herself, as everything is. Uncontrollable laughter belted out from the belly of being, tickling every cell in her body as it laid on the snow, laughing and crying at the simplicity and unbounded joy of it all.

Alchemy Sessions

The most efficient and powerful way to get private breakthrough sessions is through one of Cindy’s programs. Cindy gets results, and follows up to ensure your progress continues in the right direction after the program. See the Mind Mastery Program.

Inner Peace of Mind CD

“We don’t want things, people, or events. We want the feeling we mistake them for. “
– C. Teevens

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