If the lake doesn’t take it –the wind’s going to break it

“Whhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” the wind howled directly at us with a strength and length I have rarely known. Since Dad passed beyond this life in May, I have been introduced to family members I had never met before. This summer about sixty of them gathered together for a week of camping on family property on the very edge of Lake Erie for a family birthday and Canada Day. My tent was pitched just a few feet from the last of the green turf, which was protected by massive rocks that shielded it from the continuous, pounding waves. While wind cannot be seen, it’s potency can be known when you stop and look, listen, and watch.

You were Born a Bundle of Joy!

Three times people who turned and looked at me were drawn, with a new smile as broad as mine, to ask if I needed help. They returned to their business in the mundane state they were in before. Looking around the room, scanning the six or so people working, I felt like I was going to burst—I felt like a child with a secret.

Man Makes Plans, and God Laughs

Man Makes Plans, and God Laughs The giant chestnut tree that Anne Frank wrote about in her diary, while hiding from the Nazis during World War II, crashed to the ground this week. While Frank and her family were hidden for more than two years, viewing the tree from the attic was her only respite from the cramped quarters. Instead of cutting-down the fungal-infected, 150-year-old tree for safety reasons in 2007, officials built a steel support that was intended to keep the tree standing for up to fifteen years. However three years later a powerful storm took the tree down. “Man makes plans, and God laughs.”—Yiddish proverb This proves that while we busily make plans, the Universe, God, Source, Reality, …

What is a “spiritual” author?

When you cruise the categories of the books entered in the “Next Top Spiritual Author” contest, you find subjects like: Art, Business, Dating, Diet & Nutrition, Divorce, Gardening, Massage, Organizing, Sports, Technology, Travel, and UFO’s. This makes one question exactly what is meant by a “spiritual” author. The contest organizers say “This competition is focused on finding authors who have a message that appeals to the spiritual market. This market, often referred to the “new thought market” offers personal growth and spiritual messages (religious messages are not considered “new thought”). Authors like James Twyman, Neale Donald Walsch, Wayne Dyer, James Redfield, Abraham Hicks, etc – have messages that appeal to this market.” To me, in the truest sense of the …

Alchemy Makes Top 25 Spiritual Books

It began with over 2,800 international books and authors. That was whittled down to 250, based on public support from votes. Yesterday, based on a combination of public votes, an expert panel, and the sponsoring publisher, Hampton Roads, only 25 books remain in the contest. The Alchemy of Love and Joy™ is one of them. Over the next three weeks authors will write (or refine) two more chapters, and based on the quality of writing, the story idea and market potential, one book will be awarded a publishing deal plus a $50,000 marketing program to promote and sell the book, which will be launched next year. Organizers say, “In round 1 over 82,000 votes were cast from 136 different countries. …

What happened to the Author

What happened to the Author It was during intense suffering that amazing and eternal joy came to me, and by practicing The Alchemy of Love and Joy™, you don’t need to suffer again. My father suffered severe depression, and shot himself. There was intense suffering, his, our families’, and mine. It was my promise to him that this “would not be for nothing.” That was six or seven years ago. What I found last April was far beyond what I could have imagined. It was like I backed myself into a corner. I loved someone more than my “self,” (truly, I loved love more than my “self”), and I refused to blame anyone or anything outside of myself for the …