It’s a Question of Life and Death

It’s a Question of Life and Death The real reason why I urge people to seek joy… Recently someone unsubscribed from my newsletter, politely and usefully leaving the comment that they are “beyond” what I offer. It made me wonder, did they know what is truly available and offered? Is Alchemy really only about a warm fuzzy feeling? No. There is a purpose with far more value beyond that mere band aid.

Homeless But Not Hopeless

There’s something not quite right about the crooked set of his jaw, but unless he told you it was built of titanium you’d never know it…I must have walked past him and the kitten three or four times that weekend…This time I stopped, happy to be still and rest. I sat on the cardboard “help” sign in front of her, scratched her white and orange chin, tossed some coins into her bed, and asked James where she came from. That started a conversation that changed my life forever.

We are not in control

We only appear to make plans, choices, or decisions–when really we are merely responding to what is. When you know that, then there is no struggle when things do not go as planned. Only adventure. Only unlimited possibilities.

How to Change Your Thoughts

“Everything you are running away from is in your head.” It caught my interest because it is both true and funny. Everything we try to run away from is in our heads, and so what we are trying to do is impossible. It also points out that there is no thing to run from. The problem is, that thought is also in your head. So how do you change your thoughts? Until you are free, everything you feel is based upon a thought, but it is also true that everything you think is based upon a feeling.

Cosmic Pathways Alchemy Audio

Wow, what an intense day at the Cosmic Healing Fair Sunday! Back-to-back, condensed Alchemy sessions, during which every participant realized powerful shifts. Thanks for playing and supporting the charities :-). Here’s a participant’s comment, plus the audio recording of my presentation.

Stress is not a circumstance

Stress is not a circumstance Study finds strong link between strokes, stress In “Study finds strong link between strokes, stress” in the Ottawa Citizen today, Dr. Michael Hill, co-chair of the Canadian Stroke Congress and Director of the acute stroke unit at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, says “Not everyone who has stress has stroke. But is it a contributor? Absolutely.” This begs the obvious and so perhaps overlooked question: “What is stress?” While Hill says “There is no doubt that the things that happen in people’s environment — their life, their ability to manage and interact with their life — results in changes in their biology which puts them potentially at risk.” Here we see that Hill believes, like …

Double Rainbow, What Does It Mean?

He exclaims “Oh my god” over and over, crying and laughing in ecstasy, asking “what does it mean?!” Many of you have probably seen a double rainbow, and may wonder, what’s the big deal? When you start acknowledging the miracle and mystery, and beauty around you, you will begin to know and experience the miracle and mystery, and beauty within you. Watch Peter Russell’s presentation on “The Primacy of Consciousness” below. (A must watch; just over an hour, and worth every minute.) But do not stop at intellectual understanding, because even Peter admits that knowing it as thought is not Knowing It. Knowing It, you know the joy of all experiences from the sublime to the ecstatic, the joy of all creatures great and small – and the joy of all things from a blade of grass to a double rainbow.

Faster Than the Speed of Mind

The scooter shot across two lanes, and once again I was thankful there was no cross traffic. The driver of the car was shocked but unhurt. My legs shook uncontrollably and a short while later, the emergency vehicles began to arrive. Most of the pain seemed the same as the old injury, only aggravated, and the x-rays showed nothing broken. But when the doctor cautiously opened the neck brace and checked my neck, pressing along it, one spot drew a squeal from me, and I said “That was new!” He quickly closed the neck brace, strapping me back in, and ordered a CAT scan.

Is Happiness in Your Genes?

Before I discovered the inner source of joy, my level of happiness was extremely low for a few months, and then in a flash, it shot up for many months and later leveled-off somewhere higher than my “normal.” Could the genes have somehow dramatically changed? Supposedly, as the unchanging, inherited “cause” of happiness, they cannot.