What is Your “Why”?

Today I saw a mother bird, desperate to feed her babies, attempting repeatedly to get to them. Would she die of exhaustion trying to feed her babies, who would then die of starvation? Watch the video. Until you are free, you need a “why” stronger than your attachment to free yourself. Mother bird had a pretty big “why.” Several of them. If she had a mind, on the 22nd try she may have thought, “I can’t get in,” believed it, and gave up. Whether or not birds have any sort of thought, we don’t know, but if she did, she certainly did not believe it.

The Cause of Love and Pain

The Cause of Love and Pain. You can be stable and peaceful, even while others are not. Do you know why and how? If not, now’s the time to learn how to use the three powers you were born with…Candid Conversation with Cindy #1.

I Want the Relationship to Continue

I Want the Relationship to Continue [audio:http://AlchemyLoveJoy.com/I_Want_The_Relationship_To_Continue_32bps.mp3] [27:28] Participant discovers love never came from another, and how not to dump himself. All relationship is truly with yourself, and need not end. Transcription coming.  

I Wanted Honesty and Unconditional Love

“I think that…I’m unsure of what their actions actually were…and more…concerned with where my mind was going with the situation…not necessarily…I didn’t know if they were being dishonest or not I just know how I felt at the time, or what I was thinking at the time.” That is a big thing to realize because we never actually suffer as a direct result of what somebody does or says, we suffer about our beliefs about what they did or said. I really suggest you download the book because it talks a lot about mind reads. Mind reads are claiming to know what someone else’s intentions (or state) were. If you love this person, and if you what to have true open honesty and pure love with them, then when you notice a mind read, a bade feeling mind read, in your mind–its coming from you don’t forget, its not coming from them–ok?

What if you didn’t need someone to be happy?

Would you make better choices in a partner? How much more free and loving could you then be in a relationship? Some people are so shocked by the idea of not needing someone that they ask, “But, then what would a relationship be for?” Such a response reveals how deeply their conditioning goes. Both my generation and the current generation have been raised in a “romantic era” that is more accurately called an “attachment era.” The majority of our movies and music proclaim a love that needs the other, and that idea is portrayed as a good, romantic thing. Perhaps it comes from the fear of losing someone and therefore needing them to be your “only one” and “forever.”

True Infinite Love

True Infinite Love A gift arose with the early morning sun on my stroll today. I had been contemplating the massive changes in my life and my experience of life since last April (when I discovered the joy we all are), when a big picture understanding struck me. In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) it is known that we hold values that drive our attention, intention, behaviour, and beliefs. Beliefs cluster around values, and while we can loosen, erode, and replace beliefs one by one, it is a tedious and slow process because there can be many of them, and also perhaps  because they are important to supporting the more important, larger value they are linked to, and so we cling to …

Today is not the day that Dad died

Today is the seven-year anniversary of my Father’s rebirth into spirit. Notice how much less a “charge” there is, how much less suffering there is, how much more truth and presence there is in the statement of the anniversary. Today is not the day that Dad died. That day was a long time ago, and that day, that experience, has nothing to do with this day, this experience. This day is not that day, and we do not have to try to “reincarnate” that day now. If I had not been reminded, it would not have been top in my consciousness and may have passed unobserved. That is not a suppression or avoidance of any kind. It is a simply …

A love letter

A Love Letter To you, who strives to be the beautiful being that you already are. For every time you see a flaw, I will mirror back your perfection. For every bad thought you believed, which hurt you, but which you suppressed in your quest for perfection; with every fear, I will stand beside you and walk through it with you. Every time you get lost and you believe it, I stand clear and ready, available to walk the path with you all the way home. In every challenge, outer and inner, I am there. No matter what passion or aggression drives you, I will stand by, waiting, knowing; knowing that it is a passing cloud in front of your …

Why do we hurt those we love?

Why do we hurt those we love? It is said that every attack is a cry for help. When someone is hurting sufficiently in some way, that kind of pain can motivate them to act-out or try to hurt others, even those they love the most. This is an attempt to stop their suffering by getting their needs met. They turn to the (person/thing) outside because they believe it is the outside that is hurting them. Anyone who is hurting simply wants to feel good, and so the core intention is good. However, if you hurt someone you love because you were hurting, you will later regret it, whether you got what you wanted or not. Simply put, with this …