Relationship Destroyer: Mind-Reads

VIDEO: Do you have misunderstandings in relationships? Ever wonder, “How did we get here?” Mind reads are relationship destroyers. What are mind-reads? Where do they come from? What to do when someone says “I know what you think, feel, or why you did or said this…” Learn what to do with your own mind-reads.

How can I stop feeling invisible when I am with people?

How can I stop feeling invisible when I am with people? You are seeking answers to why you feel, act, and react the way you do, or maybe you are even questioning who you are. When the student is ready, the teacher appears (to appear). No matter where answers appear to come from–your mentor, a book, your friend, enemy, dog, or a tree–ultimately, they come from within, from your Self.

“I know” is the evil eye

What we are actually saying when we say this, is “I know a memory I have about something that (I perceive) happened in the past.” When you claim to know someone’s thoughts, feeling, or purpose, you are doing what in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is called “mind reading.” The factual truth is, unless someone tells you their experience, thought, or purpose, you don’t know.

Double Rainbow, What Does It Mean?

He exclaims “Oh my god” over and over, crying and laughing in ecstasy, asking “what does it mean?!” Many of you have probably seen a double rainbow, and may wonder, what’s the big deal? When you start acknowledging the miracle and mystery, and beauty around you, you will begin to know and experience the miracle and mystery, and beauty within you. Watch Peter Russell’s presentation on “The Primacy of Consciousness” below. (A must watch; just over an hour, and worth every minute.) But do not stop at intellectual understanding, because even Peter admits that knowing it as thought is not Knowing It. Knowing It, you know the joy of all experiences from the sublime to the ecstatic, the joy of all creatures great and small – and the joy of all things from a blade of grass to a double rainbow.

Is Happiness in Your Genes?

Before I discovered the inner source of joy, my level of happiness was extremely low for a few months, and then in a flash, it shot up for many months and later leveled-off somewhere higher than my “normal.” Could the genes have somehow dramatically changed? Supposedly, as the unchanging, inherited “cause” of happiness, they cannot.