Seeking awakening, or just happiness?

Master your mind for conscious awakening

Take the driver’s seat of the mind because, why be a passenger of the mind?

The Human Condition

It’s a universal experience for everyone: unconsciousness, being lost in thoughts–and the internal struggle when it turns painful.

It’s not “the human condition,” as in something humanity is condemned with–it’s certainly an experience that nobody should have to go through for life–it’s just a universal experience. Humanity is going through a process of waking up.

I know how it feels, and I know there is a way out. I will never forget, and this memory creates a compassion that drives me to help.

No more pain, regret, guilt, or fear

Have you had enough of the negative, judgmental, nonstop voice in your head, and your reactions to it (which damage your relationships, finances, career, and health), or the void within?…

Do you want to go from ego to enlightenment
~ and live a fearless, peaceful, and fulfilled life?

…then take the free Ego Workshop, which will explain unconsciousness, what waking up is, and your frustration and confusion and why, in spite of all your efforts, you find yourself in the same painful place, again and again.

It hasn’t worked because you’ve been battling with the mind. The mind is actually not the problem. Mis-identification with the false (thoughts, ideas, feelings, past memories, and future fears) is what has been deluding your potential, wrecking relationships, stealing your sanity and costing you an abundant life.

You can…

  • free yourself from monkey mind, even make friends with it, and
  • realize your true, infinite, immaculate, and eternal Self

What happened to me in the woods…

Individual unconsciousness is what creates and supports the collective unconsciousness, and is the reason we have stress, depression, drug use, suicide, crime, murder, and war.


A new day is dawning ~ and you can join the revolution of reality lovers freeing themselves from the false story, for personal and global good.

There is no such thing as a separate life; when you impact your life you impact the world.

Let’s end the individual and collective unconsciousness, for the sanity and happiness of humanity, and the benefit of all beings.

Your next step…

To wake-up from the dream, you need to become a reality lover. You need to learn to discern between the false and the real, and to disconnect and detach from the false.

You need to discover:

  1. exactly what “to be dreaming” is, and
  2. what is going on that causes your pain,
  3. and what the true source of your happiness and peace is.

Want conscious awakening training?

How keen and ready are you?

Just looking, and want to learn more free?

Want to Join a 5-Day Conscious Awakening Challenge?

Want a home-study-alone Ego to Enlightenment course?

  • Coming soon, please check back later.

Want to dive in right away, get weekly support, and work directly with Cindy?

If you have seen the workings of the unreal mind, and value consciously waking up to reality…

See you on the inside,


Cindy Teevens

Spiritual Facilitator, who keeps it real

Click here to download your >>> Essential Guide to Happiness for Spiritual Seekers

(No email and no credit card needed.)

What People Are Saying

Cindy Teevens’ teachings have changed my life. Suffering throughout my life from the movies in my mind, feelings of inadequacy and sadness plagued me, my relationships were difficult and unhealthy due to the thoughts I had about myself and others. Cindy’s teachings have given me the tools to actually stop living in the damaging unconscious state and now have the ability to change my state using her simple techniques. All can learn how to keep it real and live in peace, love and joy as it is our natural state, Cindy’s teaching can lead you to let go of the thought-driven craziness that most of us suffer from and to know who and what we are most importantly. Highly recommend you follow your curiosity and read her books and take part in her online material, you can truly find yourself! – Barbara Grant

I recommend Cindy Teevens as a faciliator. She is easy to talk to about everything. You need to understand about life, love, she’s there she’s very good to show people how to get out of story like you feel depressed she there to explain the purpose of your depression and more. You learn to fall in love with love ❤️ thank you Cindy 🙏 – Sylvie Gagnon

Changing perception is the game changer! How do you change it when you don’t know how because you believe it’s real? This is what sets Cindy Teevens apart from other spiritual teachers; she works with you by giving you tools to unpack your movie in the mind that can lead to so much suffering and shows you how to end it! Spiritual concepts are not in Cindy’s toolbox, she keeps it real by guiding you to the realization that your joy and happiness is already within you waiting to be discovered. I have worked with Cindy for several years and I am very grateful for my healing and the end of the insanity of my own self-induced suffering. – Geri Savage

I have been working with Cindy for about a year. I love her because she is very easy to talk to, laid back, patient, kind-hearted, generous, loving, direct and no BS. Her instruction has been very helpful and freeing. – Cheryl Udo Woodford

Cindy is kind, loving and a generous teacher/guide. She has helped me lead myself from a challenging place with my mental health to a place of mindfulness and limitless love. – Fiona Robertson-Clark

Cindy Teevens is unlike any other self-help teacher .. if you are tired of teachings that merely tell you what you should feel/do , Then this is the teaching for you .. as she will Only point to the truth .. You must discover the obvious yourself. Never needing to seek any farther teaching because she will help you see what is the truth, keeping it real every step of the way❣️ – Bonnie Babcock

Cindy Teevens’ teachings are, for my family and me one of life’s most wonderful blessings!
She first appeared to me a couple of years ago and it’s been a magical connection, ever since.
Her exposure of the movies in the mind we call life and living is startling for anyone who has not experienced non-dual teachings.

Her book, “The Happiness Lie” tells it like it should be told. Would that it were fundamental reading from the beginning of life. What untold misery it could prevent.
Cindy herself had a revelatory experience and from the shatter of her old way of being comes forth a flow of wisdom and gifts coupled with unending patience.
I’ve been privileged to be a participant in her weekly Q and A sessions, in which she takes on all that the human mind can conjure up and skillfully helps the questioner get past their beliefs and mind movies to a recognition of the love and peace that lies beneath.

She’s wonderful at what she does and I am an ever grateful beneficiary. – Elaine Yannuzzi

OMG. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for Cindy and the life skills she has taught me. I was struggling as husband, father and employee. Cindy taught me to change the problems in my life into opportunities. She has taught me how to value myself. She has opened the door to a life filled with so much love and compassion that I didn’t even know was possible! I always recommend Cindy to my family and friends and am so grateful for the work she does to help all the wonderful people in this world. If you’re considering taking one of her programs, don’t think about it, just do it. You’ll thank yourself for it. I promise. – Andrew Sass