Awakening Ottawa LIVE

7 pm Kanata

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Inquiry into the nature of unconsciousness, your true identity and that of others and the world removes the false illusion, and can result in insights that once seen, can never be unseen, and so can never be lost.

Shifting state changes your perspective, behaviour, actions, and outcome calming the mind and clearing the path for inquiry. Fears, hurt, anger and anxieties dissolve, returning you to your natural state.

Come early at 6:30 and enjoy kirtan entertainment by the OMBuds 🙂

About Cindy Teevens
Spiritual Facilitator, who keeps it real
Cindy is an award-winning, international inner peace, happiness, and spiritual facilitator, exceptional and unique in helping people shift their state and perspective, transforming their lives, from the inside out.

Six years after the suicide of her father, suddenly her own intense suffering was swapped for love and joy, altering her life permanently.

Understandings began to come about how we have been living backward, how we have mistaken the outside for the inside and how we can return to truth, sanity, and peace.

Months later, one day in the woods she was knocked to her knees by an explosion of love at her chest and head, followed by the end of time and space, and self and other.

Forty years of self-baggage suddenly fell away. The thinker she thought she was, was gone. Yet the Self remained.

Cindy is writing about that “direct seeing” of Self in a third book. She is the
author of Alchemy, How to Feel Good No Matter What, and The Happiness Lie, What Generations Have Been Told that Keeps You Unhappy.

Cindy calls the simple but powerful practice that anyone can do, “The
Alchemy of Love and Joy.” It has been described as a cross between Byron
Katie’s “The Work,” and Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now,” and Mooji’s satsang. There is no shadow dark enough to keep her from walking through it with you.

Beyond transforming worldly lives, for those with deeper questions, she points out the false so it can fall away, and points to That which is eternal, and not of the world, thus bridging heaven and earth.


Make the shift to peace and joy, here and now…

The 7 Stages or Symptoms going from Ego to Enlightenment

Handed out at the event…

The Vision…

Cindy’s goal is to reverse the rising stress, anxiety, drug use, depression, and suicide rates. She is creator of the Reality Lover Spiritual Community, where like-minded people gather and support each other on the path.

Cindy’s Profile

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