Frustrated and stuck repeating patterns in spite of spiritual work?

It’s not your fault, here’s one reason… One reason we may feel like we’ve hit a wall is because the teacher doesn’t have genuine realization or insight, or they can’t or don’t know how to help you have your own. I know you’ve been working hard and want to see more results; you certainly deserve it. You may have recognized this and be on the elusive hunt for a spiritual teacher who actually has some realization, not just a psychologist, preacher, or new age entrepreneur. The second reason we get stuck… You probably “get” the teachings intellectually, they have been resonating, they sound good don’t they? …but… the spiritual teachings are just a little bit too lofty, a little too …

Life gave me a gift today…

At the grocery store, I heard beautiful music and I went toward it… thinking it was the city’s or the store’s music playing… …and there was this man playing solo violin, so beautifully… with a sign asking for donations for his family, who had fallen on hard times… the whole thing moved me so… his fingers were red and white… I didn’t know how he’s playing at all… never mind how beautiful it is… and I told him that through tears… and I gave more than I’ve ever given, and left crying… I was so moved I went back and gave more… and I’m the one who’s gaining!!! I hope everyone else who hears him is so moved! I can’t …

Beware: This non-duality trap is duality

Some people readily grasp the non-dual teaching that “there is no-one there.” Looking within when the limited idea of yourself arises, it immediately disappears and you can readily notice in your immediate experience that “there is no one there”–no “person” with any substance. But by itself, this seeing is incomplete, and therefore false. It’s true that you have, almost all your life, thought yourself to be the separate, individual, maker, taker, and actor of decisions. And it can be quite mind-blowing to no be able to find yourself. Not finding yourself, as an object in your awareness, can result in the realization that you are not who you thought you were. Good. However, you still are. Can you deny your existence? …

A.I., the Dead, Consciousness & Awakening Webinar

Webinar Oct 12/2023 @8pm These are the questions I’ll be answering, and the topics we’ll be discussing. There will be time for open free flowing Q&A… (A replay is not planned, but there is a replay, the Q&A will not be part of it. (Editing videos for replay is very time consuming and I have a backlog of work in our Reality Lover Community.) People are using AI to recreate their loved ones, what does that mean, and is it a good idea? Can AI become sentient, persons? What’s the definition of sentient? What’s the difference between AI, the mind, and a real person…? And if you talk to a deceased person via AI, is it that person who is …

What event caused you to experience a spiritual awakening?

  I understand people wanting to know “the one event” that “caused” and awakening, so that they can pursue this one thing too. The truth is there are many things leading up to Self-Realization, and they all need to be present. Like a garden needs many conditions in order for plants to grow, and if one is missing, it won’t happen. There are seven factors to awakening. These factors are all the opposite of the usual things, the usual ways people are, which includes: streaming-dreaming the mind, having confused the mind for reality and one’s identity, and treasuring one’s sense of separate self. Ultimately, in the end, this must be given up. In bliss, I fell in love with Love …

Why the inner work never ends – What’s missing and the real power of consciously waking up…

Connect on Facebook Share Why the inner work never ends – What’s missing and the real power of consciously waking up… A personal, revealing interview, full of insight into why new age practices (and psychology) are failing us–and what’s needed instead, because… have you noticed?…The ‘inner work’ never ends!!! —and realizing that is what changed the game for me. Now Mei, who was also on the spiritual hamster wheel, is speaking out about the experience. ​

Seven ways to know if conscious awakening is for you…

Connect on Facebook Share Is Conscious Awakening for You? After releasing replays of the Conscious Awakening Week Webinars (still available for a few more days, no credit card, no email, no sales pitch), I started getting requests to join my conscious awakening program. And I have to say, it’s not for everyone. It depends on where which category you are in. You may have been interested in the material, may love the tools, and want support in discovering and mastering the five powers you possess, becoming happy, peaceful or even discovering the ultimate truth and eternal reality of who you really are. But just hold on… Don’t try to skip ahead, be where you are at. So I’ll describe the …

Tarlov Cyst, Maigne’s Syndrome and Back Pain

My Journey… While this may seem off-topic, those suffering debilitating pain may find value in my experience the past 3 years, both physically and mental-emotionally. I have now vastly improved, with remaining symptoms being mostly and usually just irritating, comparatively. (See 2023 update below). I’m going to try to give practical advice and a time-line of events of what happened and what I learned. These are mostly from posts I made in the Tarlov Society of Canada facebook group. (This is NOT medical advice, do not take it to be such. It’s an accounting of my journey through back and perineal pain.) Six crucial learnings are… 1) Imaging is not diagnosis, and may be meaningless to symptoms That things found …