Fat is not a feeling, thanks Facebook!

“Fat,” is indeed not a feeling, anymore than “skinny” is a feeling. The capacity for the human mind to contort, twist, delete, and generalize thought until we reach unbearable suffering continues to amaze me. That is what suffering is, the degeneration of thinking, unnoticed, uninterrupted. Yet still, thinking has nothing to do with what is, and what is never hurts,

The end of seeking is just the beginning

I stopped seeking, but that does not mean you stop living. In fact, it means you have just started living! I did not stop seeking because I gave up; I stopped seeking because I was given everything. There is nothing more desired. The end of wanting and seeking is not boring…

Are we all One?

Cindy covers dealing with the ego & degeneration of thought, while a guest asks if she is speaking about us being all one. The subject then leads to separation, God, Self-realization, and what she calls the “direct seeing.”