Hate Taking Tests?

Instant Alchemy Tip


Does taking tests feel out of control, dependent, at risk of failure?

Look closely: Does the pending test, which hasn’t happened, actually “make” you feel afraid, judged, and out of control–or are the fearful or frustrating thoughts *about* the test causing it?

Knowing that you are more than good enough to pass the test, how much more likely is feeling approval, worthy, peaceful, and calm, to help you pass the test?

Feeling that way, does a test matter?

Wanting a sense of acceptance “from” a successful test; you are not accepting yourself. If you do not accept yourself, why should others (like examiners) accept you? If you do not accept yourself, how well will you perform?

Who’s approval did you need?

If you fear someone potentially making a “dumb” judgment call that results in a failed test, who is feeling judgment? Who is actually judging whom? (Even before the test has begun!)

Tests can take you places, so shift your state and enjoy the ride,


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Cindy Teevens is one of the leading inner peace and happiness facilitators, exceptional and unique in helping people shift their state and transform their lives permanently, from the inside out.

Six years after the violent suicide of her father, in one moment her own intense suffering was swapped for amazing joy, altering her life permanently. Happiness and peace became her predominant states. Laughter exploded at the simplicity and power of it, and tears of gratitude flowed. Understandings began to come about how we have been living backwards, how we have mistaken the outside for the inside, and how we have tethered ourselves to the uncontrollable winds of change in the midst of freedom—and how we can return to truth, sanity, and peace.

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