The Spiritual Masters were all rebels

If someone told you “you can’t do it,” what did you do? For me, of course then I had to do it (if I remotely cared about it.) We hear a lot of things about happiness and spirituality. Like, you have to suffer, or not this life, you have more karma to burn, or lessons to learn, etc. What if you became outrageously impatient, not willing to take ‘no’ for an answer? That’s what happened to me…

Cracking the shell of the false self

Dear Self: I realized that I am in this all alone anyway, meaning that people might give you hints or tips but in the end it’s me that has to work it out. Also wondered a bit about the applicability of what otheres say. Sometimes it seems that it’s kind of like telling a person who’s stuck in the wheelchair how to walk. What I mean is that it’s not really a method or a path but a description of a way of being, which then isn’t how they got there in the first place.