If someone told you “you can’t do it,” what did you do? For me, of course then I had to do it (if I remotely cared about it.) We hear a lot of things about happiness and spirituality. Like, you have to suffer, or not this life, you have more karma to burn, or lessons to learn, etc. What if you became outrageously impatient, not willing to take ‘no’ for an answer? That’s what happened to me…
How knowing death can bring you to life
Not suffering does not mean that you didn’t love, it means you still love; you just haven’t swapped love for the idea of loss. Death is not the opposite of Life. Birth is. Life has no opposite…
What was the message of the Spiritual Masters?
At its essence, the message of the loved and revered Spiritual Masters who have passed was:
Enlightenment: Is this it?
If you are asking the question, then the answer is: this is not it. But the question falling away is also not enough. One can realize that they are not a thought, not any thought, and questions will subside. But do you know who you are?
The myth of spiritual inner work
Many people think being “spiritual” is working on themselves within. But spirituality has nothing to do with inner work, because: There is no separate self within. That’s not to say that you don’t exist.
What happened to Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie?
People think you have to suffer to wake up. They hear what happened with Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie. How they suffered. But it’s not just the suffering they have in common. And suffering wasn’t the key commonality.
Enlightenment is Not a Feel Good State
So many people use, and abuse, the word enlightenment, that it no longer carries the meaning it may once have, long before I crossed paths with it. Now it means a glorious mental-emotional experience, and people are on the hunt for that…
What if you fell in love with love itself?
I fell in love with love itself, and pursued it like a lover, always keeping it on my mind. Bursts of ecstasy and bliss resulted and then they spontaneously took over and pursued me…
Do we have to suffer to awaken?
Considering Eckhart Tolle, and Byron Katie, it may appear that one has to suffer to awaken. But there have been sages who have awakened through love and devotion. What matters is not the suffering or the love that came before, but the surrendering. Surrender your resistance, surrender your very self, surrender your very existence…
Waking up from the dream
QUESTION: “Why is your awakening realisation not shared by everyone, if such awakening reveals a perfect Oneness?”