When would you want to know?
Where did you learn about happiness anyway? Scientists don’t understand it. You learned about happiness from family, friends, society, movies, and the media, right? Where did they get it from? The previous generation, and the previous generation…
What if we’ve been living the happiness lie?
The happiness lie is the belief that things, people, or events *make* us happy or unhappy. Like they have some kind of magical power over us. As if they dictate how we feel. Imagine being totally vulnerable to what happens around you, the reality of which is totally unreliable, out of your control, and constantly changing, regardless of what you want. The experience of that would certainly account for the soaring anxiety, stress, depression, drug use and suicide rates.
The elephant in the room
Things, people, or events do not cause our pain or joy. We all know this because we’ve all felt both good and bad on a sunny day; we’ve all felt both good and bad on a rainy day. We’ve all seen a couple kiss and we felt good, and we’ve all seen a couple kiss and felt bad. It’s not about the outside. Mentally many say “Nobody can hurt me,” but then we behave like they did. Sound a little schizophrenic? Certainly this is not consistent, and quite conflicted. It seems we like to pick and choose who, when, and how we get hurt. But if we can do that, then it proves we are living a lie when we say someone or something hurt us. If we can choose, there’s more proof we are the one hurting us, no-one else. (And there’s no such thing as “letting” someone hurt us; what is this “letting”? Anyway, they are apparently still doing the hurting.)
Where does the lie come from?
The happiness lie belief comes from ignorance of what is actually going on; ignorance of what is actually causing our pain and joy.
Ig•no•rance: lack of knowledge, learning, information
Why is there lack of knowledge? It’s not because the true knowledge is not available; it’s because it’s being ignored. We have this amazing power of attention which can ignore what is actually happening, in favour of some thought-belief *about* what is happening.
When we feel bad and believe some person, thing, or event hurt us, we are ignoring the thoughts *about* the thing, person, or event, which are actually hurting us. So we confuse our inner pain with some outer thing, person, or event. Once you have the belief that things, people, or events hurt us, it now overrides experience, and the ignoring runs rampant.
Collective Unconsciousness
Once the whole of society believes that things, people, or events hurt us, and we all agree, then we can operate on this belief unhindered, and now all of us miss the obvious, including the scientists and experts who are “researching” happiness. However if any such research is based on the lie to begin with, then all results and conclusions will be false.
It’s only when the pain of the lie has become too great that individuals can wake-up and break free from the unconsciousness, change course, discover the truth, and establish inner peace and happiness for life. They are the only ones willing to acknowledge and introduce the elephant in the room.
Happiness is natural
Your natural, undisturbed state is happiness. In order to not be happy, you need to have some bad thought-feeling layered over top of what is. What is, reality, is always much kinder than the thoughts we can believe, entertain, and suffer over.
You don’t need some thing to be happy. You need some thing to be unhappy ~ Papaji
How to know truth and be happy…
Download the three free chapters of Alchemy and learn how to feel good first, so you can stop believing the happiness lie.
Learn more about happiness, pain, and the happiness lie: http://thehappinesslie.com.