A love letter

A Love Letter

To you, who strives to be the beautiful being that you already are. For every time you see a flaw, I will mirror back your perfection. For every bad thought you believed, which hurt you, but which you suppressed in your quest for perfection; with every fear, I will stand beside you and walk through it with you.

Every time you get lost and you believe it, I stand clear and ready, available to walk the path with you all the way home. In every challenge, outer and inner, I am there. No matter what passion or aggression drives you, I will stand by, waiting, knowing; knowing that it is a passing cloud in front of your beautiful eyes.

Even when you are hurting and you lash out, I stand here, steadfast, and know its source as deep love swelling intensely. All it wants is to express its true self. And you will find a way.

Even in your anger my tender heart cracks open because I know you are suffering…and it is my purest wish that you be free, and that you know the freedom that you are. I will not be moved except by compassion and love.

Every time you misunderstand, it’s ok, I remain here knowing there’s fear or pain behind it. My heart is tender, raw, open,  available to and allowing opening for expression. Because I know that beneath the pain is a vast love, waiting to be unleashed with your clarity of being.

Whenever you hurt and appear to strike I ask, “Could it be love?” And it is never pain or anger or fear–it is always love. Even if in your pain and suffering you try to leave me, hurt me, push me away…this is impossible.

There may be fear of unleashing your love as love, but know that that fear is unfounded, and that that love is the strongest, yet most gentle, nurturing force that itself cannot fail, and it is a power that wants to enter the world through you, as you.

You are ok. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve just inherited some thoughts, some beliefs and the most damaging thought, the biggest lie—that any thought or belief can define or limit you. But you have also inherited much more, much more that came with your very being, your very essence, you very aliveness; your very existence which is far, far beyond beliefs and thought.

That being, your endless beauty that I have seen is my inspiration, my knowing. That all is well, all has always been well, and all will always be well. It is through you I know eternity, because of you, through you, in you.

No matter what bad days or bad states arise, they are not you, and you are still there. You were there before, and you will be there after. I await you with full heart and open arms.

And every time you judged me, I saw through it to your suffering, and through that to your love, and my heart of compassion cracked open again. And every time you judged yourself, I saw through it. The only way you can judge yourself is by knowing your own divinity.

Know that you cannot fail; even a bad feeling is not failing. It’s succeeding just knowing it, when you recognize it, you are succeeding in knowing yourself now and what you want to create. Any little error or mistake is already gone, and what is revealed is your purity, your unstained essence beneath—and as you expand ever larger, so does your success. You’ve been a success since before you were born. You cannot fail, and even if you do not choose to see your success in this lifetime, you have eternal time.

Sweet being, the world is not doing things to you, it’s here for you, to show you how you are in the moment so that you can choose, choose to see and be, and thereby create your full magnificent self,  and to have the fullest experience through the fullest expression you are capable of. And when you see and you know the bigger you, the real you, and you turn toward it, you manifest your becoming of it.

My heart is so full of love it wells up as tears. There’s anticipation and excitement for your coming freedom when all that energy suddenly releases you to be and do what your heart aches for, and it will use all the suffering you went through to bring something blessed and beautiful to this world.

I have eternal, unshakable faith in you and eternal unshakable faith in the explosion of joy you will feel when you come to know me. It will be beyond words, but not tears.

You know the pain of suffering, the pain of fear, and you will know the infinite joy and bliss that is here for you.

I stand with open heart, present so we can both see that you and I are not the enemy so you can know there is nothing you need, you are it all. Whatever your heart desires is yours, any time. May you know that peace, that power; that freedom.

Every time you smiled at me with that gorgeous irresistible smile, you showed me love within me. Every time you laughed with me, you showed me love within me. Every time you embraced me, you showed me love within me. Every time you showed me your beauty, you showed me mine. I am so grateful for you. I embrace you fully as you are, completely as you are, in every moment, in any moment, in all moments. I embrace you with love that needs no forgiveness, love that has no condition, with a love that just is.

You are fully honoured and respected, being as magical and mystical as the universe itself. Without you, the universe would be incomplete; indeed it would not be. You are perfect as you were, as you are, and as you will be. I cherish and cradle your feelings, needs, hopes, wishes, and desires.

Even though you seek an answer from outside of you, I stand not as the answer, yet reflecting yourself back as the answer; an opportunity for you to see your perfection in your own divinity. I will stand here for you, silently, even in your darkest hour, reflecting the light so you can see clearly.

Leaves may fall, snow may fly, and flowers may flourish. Lovers may leave, time may lapse, and buildings may level. By your side, I remain. There is a place where we have not laughed all we’ll laugh, where we have not relaxed all we’ll relax, where we have not played all we will play.

I excitedly look forward to the day you release your self and come out and play.

Come out and play. Let it shine as it is. You know who you really are. I know who you really are.

Free from pain, free from struggle, what will you create? What will we do? Where will we go? So many roads, so many options, and vast potential within the endless beauty of the stillness we have created for us to enjoy—come with me, come, let’s play!

Here is a love so infinitely vast, that it is inconceivably beyond words. I could just sit with you and I do sit with you, silently, for hours basking in the greatest love the world has rarely known, yet it is available for all.

Anytime you want me, just go looking—seek me. Instantly, I am there. Because I never leave.

Who am I?

I am you.
The ever present witness, always with you, always available, always mirroring, always love.
I love you.

Comments 1

  1. how simple, easy, true and wonderful and alas so often ignored!!!
    Thanks for the reminder, really nothing else matters.

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