Suicide called ‘large public health problem’ by WHO

…the World Health Organization (WHO) just announced it as such in this article. Now there are articles appearing with the idea that Robin’s suicide was “spontaneous” and not “premeditated” as if that somehow makes it better, or as if there is some version of suicide that is worse or better than another, or worse yet, that some suicidal people are worse than others.

Why Fighting to Feel Good Fails

In this free audio, Cindy and the Client discuss: Why Fighting to Feel Good Fails, What to do about troublesome thoughts, Where do thoughts come from? What is “space” around a thought? Not using your power of Interest. A non-relationship to thought, Doing not doing. The effortlessness of Being. Your Power of Discernment. How thoughts downward cycle…and more!

What is Your “Why”?

Today I saw a mother bird, desperate to feed her babies, attempting repeatedly to get to them. Would she die of exhaustion trying to feed her babies, who would then die of starvation? Watch the video. Until you are free, you need a “why” stronger than your attachment to free yourself. Mother bird had a pretty big “why.” Several of them. If she had a mind, on the 22nd try she may have thought, “I can’t get in,” believed it, and gave up. Whether or not birds have any sort of thought, we don’t know, but if she did, she certainly did not believe it.

Hate Taking Tests?

Instant Alchemy Tip Does taking tests feel out of control, dependent, at risk of failure? Look closely: Does the pending test, which hasn’t happened, actually “make” you feel afraid, judged, and out of control–or are the fearful or frustrating thoughts *about* the test causing it?

Nobody is Ever Rude

“She was so rude! And it was how she said it, with that tone of voice.” Now this friend has known me long enough to know something about my perspective, and she was not particularly surprised to hear me say, “No-one is ever rude to you,” but she was resistant.