The Truth About Happiness ~ Video 2

The Truth (and Lie) about Happiness  Truth Never Hurts, Imagination Does (For similar ongoing webinars, check out the calendar). The Truth About Happiness –  Discover the real reason for society’s rising anxiety, stress, depression, suicide, and drug use rates, and how individuals can break free.

Why Fighting to Feel Good Fails

In this free audio, Cindy and the Client discuss: Why Fighting to Feel Good Fails, What to do about troublesome thoughts, Where do thoughts come from? What is “space” around a thought? Not using your power of Interest. A non-relationship to thought, Doing not doing. The effortlessness of Being. Your Power of Discernment. How thoughts downward cycle…and more!

The Cause of Love and Pain

The Cause of Love and Pain. You can be stable and peaceful, even while others are not. Do you know why and how? If not, now’s the time to learn how to use the three powers you were born with…Candid Conversation with Cindy #1.

Love and Joy is a Free for All!

Love and Joy is a Free for All! The truth is you need nothing to be happy –want to know how? Candid Conversation #2 How Cindy discovered… Love and Joy are our natural states We need nothing Not even suffering can get in your way Cindy shows people how to be happy for life, without controlling thoughts, changing circumstances, or healing the past. To be continued…       Cindy Teevens is one of the leading inner peace and happiness facilitators, exceptional and unique in helping people shift their state and transform their lives permanently, from the inside out. Six years after the violent suicide of her father, in one moment her own intense suffering was swapped for amazing joy, …

Faster Than the Speed of Mind

The scooter shot across two lanes, and once again I was thankful there was no cross traffic. The driver of the car was shocked but unhurt. My legs shook uncontrollably and a short while later, the emergency vehicles began to arrive. Most of the pain seemed the same as the old injury, only aggravated, and the x-rays showed nothing broken. But when the doctor cautiously opened the neck brace and checked my neck, pressing along it, one spot drew a squeal from me, and I said “That was new!” He quickly closed the neck brace, strapping me back in, and ordered a CAT scan.

Dealing with Being Dumped in a Relationship

Alchemy Session Audio Recording [24:02 min] [audio:] Listen in on the conversation as Cindy walks a participant through the practice of Alchemy. Notice that Cindy asks the questions in the now, and the participant tends to answer in the past until she has shifted state. Here are some transcribed excerpts: [Cindy] “We don’t want things, people, or events, we want the feeling we mistake them for. If you have the relationship and you didn’t have a good feeling, would you want the relationship?” [Participant] “No.” [Cindy] “How does being in relationship feel? How does being full, appreciated, honoured, loved, validated, and unconditionally accepted feel? [Participant] “It feels foreign.” Bonus Recording The After Effects of Alchemy [12:55 min] [audio:] Listen to …

Mind the Gap – You are Before Thinking

The water splashed over the edge of the bucket and pooled out on the bathroom floor, running under the door.

I looked down at the puddle and a moment later heard the thought “water spilled on the floor.”

The obvious time delay in that thought arising was almost shocking, and I chuckled at the redundant comment from the “peanut gallery.” Years ago I never even noticed the delay. Today, in this moment, it was never so obvious that thought comes after experience—and quite some time after!