I am angry at God

Try as hard as you can. Get as adamant as you can that you have to do it your way; that your way is different. Get as defiant as you can. Get as frustrated as you can. Get as angry as you can…until you realize that nothing you can do will matter. Turn your anger at God into longing and desire for God. (Been there, done all that.) You have to realize “I can’t do it.” You have to give-up. You have to surrender…and disappear. Only then, you’ll see.

Dear Self

Dear Self is the spiritual version of “Dear Abby.” Get access to broadcasts: https://gobeyond.leadpages.net/join-conversations-with-your-self/ Join live or watch privately.

You are seeking answers to why you feel, act, and react the way you do, or maybe you are even questioning who you are. When the student is ready, the teacher appears (to appear). No matter where answers appear to come from–your mentor, a book, your friend, enemy, dog, or a tree–ultimately, they come from within, from your Self. So ask away, because the Truth is available, here and now. Welcome to the catalystic conversation that can unveil it.

Work with Cindy one-on-one and expose the ego: https://alchemylovejoy.com/exposing-the-ego/


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