Ottawa Author tackles mental health problem with free workshops

Cindy-flowers-portrait_On September 4th the World Health Organization called suicide “a large public health problem.” And for good reason. More than 800,000 people each year worldwide die by suicide. In the span of three years, anti-depressant use rose 400% (Source: CDC). Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death among those aged 30-49 years in 2012 globally, and  second leading cause of death in the 15-29 year age group in 2012 globally. (Source: International Association of Suicide Prevention.)

Cindy Teevens is no stranger to suffering and suicide. Her father died by suicide, she overcame her own suicidal thoughts, and she later successfully intervened in a suicide in progress for a friend.

Her father’s suicide led her on a quest to find an end to suffering, and resulted in her being gifted “mind-blowing” joy and inner peace. She was overwhelmed with gratitude and a desire to share. Now her life’s work is to help others end the stress, anxiety, depression, and drug use before they lead to suicide.

Teevens has been writing about, speaking about, and facilitating inner peace since 2009, and now wants to work on a larger scale, to reach more people, faster. To do that, she’s launched a “Happiness 4 Humanity” Indiegogo campaign to raise money to make free public inner peace and happiness workshops across Ottawa a reality. “Ottawa is a pilot project,” she says. “We want to take it across Canada.”

Happiness 4 Humanity

H4H-Logo_webWhy the name “Happiness 4 Humanity”? One of her readers’ favourite quotes is, “Inner peace comes before outer peace. That is how important you are.” Teevens says that peaceful people form peaceful families, which form peaceful communities, which form peaceful countries, which form a peaceful world.

The Happiness 4 Humanity campaign formally launches Sept. 10th, on World Suicide Prevention Day. Get more details and pledge here today. Help make it happen so you and your family and friends can be a part of happiness for humanity.


CINDY TEEVENS is one of the leading inner peace and happiness facilitators, exceptional and unique in helping people shift their state and transform their lives, from the inside out.

Six years after the violent suicide of her father, in one moment her own intense suffering was swapped for amazing joy, altering her life permanently. Happiness and peace became her predominant states. Laughter exploded at the simplicity and power of it, and tears of gratitude flowed.

Understandings began to come about how we have been living backwards, how we have mistaken the outside for the inside, and how we have tethered ourselves to the uncontrollable winds of change in the midst of freedom—and how we can return to truth, sanity, and peace.

She dropped everything she was doing to show people how to feel good no matter what because when you shift your state, your whole perspective and world shifts; problems dissolve, villains become victims, and compassion kicks in. So much gratitude came with this revelation, she now helps people awaken joy in their lives.

Months after discovering joy, one day in the woods she was knocked to her knees by an explosion of love that was followed by the end of time and space, self and other, and when she looked up at the trees, she saw them as herself, as everything is. Uncontrollable laughter belted out from the belly of being, tickling every cell in her body as it laid on the snow, laughing and crying at the simplicity and unbounded joy of it all. She could not speak for a while, because the thinker and speaker she thought she was, was gone. Cindy is writing about that “direct seeing” of Self in a third book she is working on.

You can read more at about her here: What Happened to the Author

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