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Next Top Spiritual Author Contest

2017 Update: My book on the Alchemy of Love and Joy won the Next Top Spiritual Author Contest in 2010, but I turned the prize down. It was just a bad deal for this work, and I needed a bigger platform to get a better deal. So I went back to work helping people end their stress and pain. Great things are happening to bring this work to the masses in other ways. Subscribe to my updates in the top right corner to keep connected.


Alchemy wins first phase of book contest

Thank-you for voting!

Out of 2,500+ books and authors, “The Alchemy of Love and Joy” has advanced to the second round of the contest, with the top 250 books.

Voting has stopped. For now.

At the end of May, there will be a second round of voting, to select the top 25 books. The books will also be considered on the merit by a panel of judges and the publisher, Hampton Roads.

Once again, as a thank-you when you consider your vote for “Alchemy”, in the second round, the e-book will be free, and in the spirit of making the contest extra fun for you, there will be additional prizes!

More details will follow. Thanks for helping stop the suffering and for sharing the joy!




While what I am pointing to is not new (it is actually eternal), using it, and this way, is new to many people; most of society, actually. And it is the radical reversal of current self-help expert advice.
Click here for more videos from the above talk.

Comments 23

  1. Hi Robin–thanks for voting!! 🙂

    The e-book comes after the contest is over, and that is after tomorrow, so it’s coming soon!!!

    Looking forward to it,

  2. Hi Cindy,

    I am delighted that Malathy told me about you.
    How very exciting to be in this authors competition.
    Your message is precisely what people are longing for.
    Good on you for showing up in this way!

    Many joyful blessings,

    Tina van Leuven,Ph.D.

  3. Dave…

    Now I have to look-up Lumby hehehe :-). Thanks for dropping-by, reading, listening, and hearing, and voting!

    While what I am pointing to is not new, using it, and how, is new to many people; most of society, actually. So new that using it can be challenging at first, even though it is so absolutely simple.

    There are more videos on the “videos” tab at the top of the website, and more being added to that soon, until I have covered the complete basic message.

    Your time and support is much appreciated! And I look forward to your comments about the rest of the book…

  4. Hello Cindy:

    I wanted to put Lumby BC on the map of supportive people for what you are doing for people. Like you said at the beginning, “It is nothing new”. We heard similar words about Intention from Wayne Dyer but you have framed this differently. I have always thought that reconnecting to our “Bundle of Joy” – our child – was the answer to lot of our woes. You have my vote, without hesitation.

    My best wishes for the future,

  5. Hey Cindy!

    I have read many of your articles and have seen your wonderful work, which brought me awareness and growth in many areas of my life! I am looking forward to reading your book soon! Having the priviledge to know you and to have shared experiences of joy and laughter with you, I know you are shinning in your passion and purpose in life! Through your joy of living others learn to seek their own! A true gift that you are giving to the world!

    Michele 🙂
    Gatineau, Quebec

    1. Michele,

      Thank-you so much for your support …and kind words!!

      It is humbling, and I am in awe of having you arise in mind on this path. May you and your family have eternal joy and love 🙂

      Much love…and Hugs,

  6. Hi Cindy:

    I do agree with the concept since I also am a positive thought creator. My use of hypnosis and reiki allow me to help those who suffer from negative energy.
    I look forward to finishing your book.


    Hi Virginia,
    Thanks for dropping-by :-). Actually, the book and practice are NOT about positive thought. In fact, “Alchemy” is the radical reversal to current expert advise! It is NOT about thinking. It is about causing the feeling you want through feeling, and it is about using that to break the bond that have held us hostage; the belief that anything outside of you holds your joy, or can hurt you. Once that fundamental belief is no longer fed or sustained, stressful thinking that produces negative energy largely ceases. Peace and joy prevail with freedom. And then joy beyond what people have lived or imagined is possible.

  7. Nothing new in your book. Sorry, not impressed.

    Hi Cass,

    Have you read it? Have you used the practice?

    Until now people have told us to control thoughts that are not even ours to control. To force a good thought onto a bad feeling. Anyone who has tried this knows it does not work and is painful.

    With Alchemy you feel good first, and good thoughts follow naturally, easily. That is the radical reversal to current expert advice.

    Check-out what readers say on the “Readers” tab above.

    Look deep within we have been told, and this is the “how” to do that.
    It altered my life and is altering other lives. What a joyous way to live!


  8. Thank you so much for the lecture last evening. I was the annoying person in the front row at your far left. I was curious, apprehensive, critical, but truly wanted to understand your message. Seemed too good to be true. I am the one who, at the end, asked you to sign your CD. When I got home, I downloaded and printed your book. I read ’till 2:00 a.m.

    I feel so happy and excited today. Like the others, this is not the first step on my journey. But, I believe, this step is the most important. WHY? Because you have given me the tools to find and work with what I want. I have read books that said simply STOP the negative thoughts. O.K. Meditate. O.K. But then what? (A favourite university prof one told me “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”) I now have a resplendent toolbox.

    Now, I know know what. What do I want? How does it feel. Simply amazing. I do know however, that it will require work. The initial euphoria will evaporate without a sustaining environment. I hope to join you in further work.

  9. I just want to say thank you SO much for creating your book.

    For a background, I’m a Buddhist practitioner and I also read lots of
    Eckhart Tolle’s books so I found your teachings resonate with me very
    much. Every time I read your book, I always get what they usually
    called an “A-ha moment” where I suddenly experience deep understanding
    of what you are saying. I even print out your e-book so that I can
    read it anytime I want.

    These are probably three of my favorite quotes from the book that
    function as helpful reminders for me every time I feel depressed or
    experience lots of negative thoughts:

    1. Just because you feel the effect of negative thought does not mean
    that the thought is real or true.

    2. Suffering means it is time to feel good – nothing else.

    3. Things are not inherently good or bad; our feeling good or bad is.
    Everything that is, is.

    Anyway, I just want to say thanks again for sharing the e-book and I
    really hope many people will read your book because for me, this is
    probably one of the most powerful and transformational book that I’ve
    ever read.

    Thanks a lot,

  10. Thanks so much for writing and sharing your book. It has been very helpful to me and to the way I feel.

    I was your father two years ago! The only difference is I didn’t die. I just wanted to, but I couldn’t finish the job, even in the drunken, depressed, hopeless state I was in.

    I was gradually starting to feel less depressed and I am starting to become a good father again. I have read a few spiritual books like The Four Agreements, and A New Earth.

    I was convinced that spirituality was the answer. But when I read your book it was an instant spiritual awakening, now knowing that I can feel good all the time. I have begun to practice feeling good and guess what? It feels good!

    Thank you again for sharing what you have learned. That is very loving of you! I will continue to read your book and continue to practice feeling good and continue to practice love.

  11. Cindy, thanks so much for your book!

    You have truly found what Jesus meant when he said “the kingdom of Heaven is within”. You and your work are critical as we come into the next stage of human evolution.

    I have passed your book on to loved ones who have also been dramatically changed. God Bless you in all your endeavors.

    I’m still following you on twitter which is where I discovered your book, your daily reminders are a great help to stop and feel the awesome presence of Joy within.

  12. Thank you so much my ‘little bundle of JOY”, you certainly ‘walk the talk’ and I will practice, practice, practice. By the way here is what my friend from Vancouver wrote to me last night …about AJ: (–I.A, Ottawa)

    Thanks so much for sending the ebook….I just read it and I’m tingling from head to toe. This is so IT! And the crazy thing is, I get it! And even better, I am BEING it!!!

  13. I found your e-book two days ago. What you have written in your e-book were truly profound and really resonate with me. I was caught in a traffic jam this morning, and I decided to put the method to practice and in no time I was feeling the joy of having a fast and unobstructed ride down the highway even though I was moving at a turtle pace.

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful gift with the whole World (I am half way around the world in Singapore).

  14. Just having finally met you elevated my ‘energy’ and I am on a ‘rush’……you know the feeling when a long searched for puzzle piece is found and entered into the ‘waiting opening’!!

  15. Thank you for the wonderful book. I started to read it last night and could not believe the insights it brought. I plan on giving your website details out to all of my meditation students. I am certain that it will prove extremely helpful to them.

    When you do begin traveling, if you are ever in the Philadelphia Pennsylvania area, drop me an e-mail and I would love to help you in any way that I can….. maybe a book signing, or a lecture. Take care Cindy and THANK YOU 🙂


  16. Your book is so good… it’s a breakthrough for me! A real breakthrough, I will read it over and over again because something clicked when I read this and I know that it’s the key that I was missing. This element that I was missing–every page, “yes, yes, yes, she’s right.”

    I’ve been practicing law of attraction for four years now, but it seems that you gave me the key to my happiness, and I know that I will achieve it. I understand it, I can practice it, and I know it works. You made a big difference in my life just by reading your book. Thank-you!

  17. You got my vote, Cindy! Your practice is simple yet powerful and something that each and everyone one of us can do and use in our everyday lives. A practical and indispensable tool. Thanks for being the JOY!


  18. Hi Cindy,

    Like we discussed before.
    Any and really ANY appreciation of anything including your nice book amounts to three things:

    1) Expectancy
    2) Surprise
    3) Continuity/Repetition.

    Keep up your excellent work!!


  19. How can anyone vote for something they don’t know and never even read a short report about? This is strange, to say the least!

    Hi Fred,
    Most of the books are not even written. When you go to the vote site you are voting on the concept as presented, and you can read a synopsis of each book, listen to an audio of the author, or see a video.

    And/or you can investigate the author and website if there is one. Regarding The Alchemy of Love and Joy(TM), there are also many articles on this website, some of which are in the book. Thanks for dropping by 🙂

  20. Happy to vote…how do I access the e-book?

    Hi “W”,

    Order the e-book on this page, using the form in the middle of the big red book. “The Alchemy of Love and Joy” e-book will be sent to you by email, after the first round of the contest, when I will also let you know whether or not “Alchemy” gets into the second round.


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